The tanks are empty. The world is now emerging from the haze that was the global pandemic – Covid-19. People have reported having different experiences of this time yet one thing that seems to be quite pervasive is a sense of tiredness, flatness, and a feeling of being burnt out.
Self-care has become a well-known topic and there is a myriad of advice on how to maintain good sleep patterns, eating habits and exercise which all help fuel our bodies. These things are also critical to health and wellbeing but what fuel does our inner world run on?
Reality therapy is a type of therapy that was developed by William Glasser, an American psychiatrist, in the 1960s. The therapy is based on the belief that people have five basic psychological needs that must be met to lead fulfilling lives. These needs are love and belonging, significance, freedom and autonomy, fun, and survival. In this article, we will take a closer look at the first four of these psychological needs. For another article on reality therapy click here.
1. Love and belonging
The need for love and belonging is the desire to feel connected to others and to be part of a group. In reality therapy, this need is addressed by helping individuals build strong, positive relationships with others. This can be achieved through activities such as group therapy sessions, family therapy, and social support networks.
2. Significance
The need for significance is the desire to feel important and valued in one’s own eyes and in the eyes of others. This need is addressed by helping individuals develop a strong sense of self-efficacy and by encouraging them to take responsibility for their own actions. This can be achieved through activities such as goal-setting and decision-making exercises.
3. Freedom and autonomy
The need for freedom and autonomy is the desire to be free from external constraints and to have a sense of personal control. This need can be addressed by helping individuals identify and eliminate the things that are preventing them from living the life they want to live. This can be achieved through activities such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, mindfulness exercises, and stress management techniques.
4. Fun
The need for fun is the desire to experience pleasure and to engage in enjoyable activities. This need is addressed by helping individuals identify and pursue activities that bring them joy and satisfaction. Activities such as art therapy, music therapy, and leisure activities fill this need.
A practical snapshot exercise to explore psychological needs.
So how do we practically begin to explore these needs? See the video below for a simple snapshot exercise to begin exploring your “fuel levels”.
If you’re curious about counselling contact us today for more information about session availability. Under our counselling blog there is an article on why counselling may be helpful for you.